Your help
We thank all persons who support us in our work.
How you can help:
Become a sponsor for one or more years with a contribution of 240 €/year
Membership in our association with an annual fee of 30 €
Application (please click here)
- Through individual donations
Our donations accounts:
Lebenshilfe für Afrika e. V.
Sparkasse Hegau-Bodensee, Account No. 390 4 190, Sort Code 692 500 35,
IBAN: DE10692500350003904190, SWIFT-BIC: SOLADES1SNG
Volksbank Konstanz-Radolfzell, Account No. 2222 3333 0, Sort Code 692 910 00
IBAN: DE6169210000222233330, SWIFT-BIC: GENODE61RAD
Bank im Bistum Essen, Account No. 320 250 13, Sort Code 360 602 95
IBAN: DE14360602950032025013, SWIFT-BIC: GENODED1BBE
You will happily receive a receipt (tax receipt) for the tax office.
Please specify address!